Stoicism, grit, resilience, and perseverance; all qualities that embody and spell out the backbone that develops and shapes the character and fortitude of perhaps 'how the west was won'. Honor and integrity; and treating your neighbor as yourself, virtues that serve as helping hands and building one another up, also instill the strength and calluses that have helped pave the path ahead, and that some might nowadays classify as rigid or even outdated. All of the Judeo-Christian values that arguably have helped found the United States as one of the greatest countries in the world, are currently in a losing battle on what is a war on the culture and principles that helped establish the nation.
The steady chipping away of conservative Christian values seemingly have long been intravenously dosed into the diet of Americans' media choices, as an ever-so slight methodical attack on the cohesion of the family unit. A far cry from the conservative values depicted on the 'good ol' days' of black and white comedies; rather now having Americans slowly simmering in a stew of sitcoms promulgating parental ineptitude and gender reversal, promoting an irresponsible subservient buffoon-like father and a fretting motherly figure devout only to her workplace. All the while, children that once were raised in a tight knit conservative centric family eventually wind up susceptible to the winds and changes of the stretching strong arm of 'big brother'.
A growing nanny state increasingly involved and at the helm of the decisions of the helicopter parent, likely unbeknownst to them as the parents stay in a state of distraction. Coming together for dinner; a strong time for bonding and sharing, however, slowly having been thrown out and replaced with the warm clutches of a cell phone and social media. The healthy conservative leadership and protective role of alpha-masculinity that once was to rein in the family, is now obscured and underscored by nightly liberal news pundits brandishing the usual bulletin of glamorizing the emasculation of a balanced manliness. Just as fleeting, the complimentary care and nurturing role of the beta-femininity, being stripped from the sanctity of a balanced household and healthy upbringing.
Conservative Judeo-Christian values that provide balance and support to family and community are increasingly being patronized and devalued; as a supposed progressive liberal "tolerance" of understanding each other's differences counterintuitively spreads, to a degree that anyone holding near and dear any form of principle, morality, or Godly characteristics are seemingly outright ostracized. Also, just as hypocritical and contradictory is the not-so "inclusive" progressive tenet of acceptance and tolerance towards all of the world's religions except with regard to Christianity. Instead of celebrating freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and constitutional rights as fellow Americans together—the act of 'being canceled' is normalized into the vernacular as a palatable infringement on the First Amendment, and as a knee jerk response for speaking out against nearly anything under the sun that does not fit the secular or world-without-Christ narrative.
Lastly and just as grim; instead of coming together as a last bastion on a united front and preserving the conservative republican party as a valid option on the ballot, it is seemingly being dismantled from the inside. Popular conservative news stations and the hosts all one-by-one falling in line to another bout with allegation and "politically correct" cancel culture, all the while what seems like the Country, Christianity, and what was a traditional Republican party are all together being corralled and prodded towards a cliff of uncertainty. Quite possibly leaving the tried-and-true classical notions of the Country, Conservatism, and Christianity, in the dust, and a questionable de-facto one-party system in the wake.
Joshua 24:14-15 “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord! 15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”